Random thoughts of Keffie Deen II

Monday, April 02, 2007

What a day!!!

Mark, Greg, Stveve, Nate, Steve...I realize technically I am a day late but

Sing it with me!!!
Take me out to the Ball game
Take me out to the Park
Buy me some peanuts and crackerjacks
I dont care if I ever comeback
where it's root, root, root for the (insert taem name)
if they dont win it's a shame
For it's one...two...three strikes you're out at the old ball game!!!
I'm so happy for you guys because the season is finally underway, I know how happy I am when the Football season strats so this post is for you. I am personally going through football season withdrawls, but the NFL Network helps take the edge of some. I had a vsion the other day of you guys all having a Show on ESPN where you alk about Baseball the whole time. Mark would complain about the ESPN east coast bias, Greg would comment on the obscure history of the Game, Muller would offer up his social commentary on how Baseball affects our culture today, Scott would be the comic relief, and Nate would be mediator of the whole deal. Just want to let you guys know that I am thinking about you on this opening day (even though the frist game was last night) and giving you all my Signature Homerun call: BUY THAT MAN A BREWSKIE.
The shoutout for this post goes to HBK. He lost the main event last night at Wrestlmania 23, despite being in control of the match the whole time and a favorite of the fans. I now it's wrestling, but it's my blog, and my shoutout goes to him.
Be good to each other.
God Bless
Go Cowboys!!


Blogger Becky O'Hara said...

Keffie~ you never cease to amuze me! :) You still watch WWE? That's what I remember about you from CUW days.


8:35 PM  

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