Random thoughts of Keffie Deen II

Sunday, August 05, 2007

A sad day in sports history.

The date is August 5, 2007. I think that this past two or three months will go down as some of the darkest days in pro sports, wether it be football, baseball, or basketball. Nobody would want to be the commish or any of these at this point in history. There has been a refree caught gambling in games that he was involved in, one of the faces of the NFL has been indicited on cahrges of illegal dogfighting, and last night somewhere I have to believe that ol' Hammering Hank was sick to his stomach. As the ultimate villan Barry Bonds stands a top of the hill with him. This hill is the hill of the most hallowed record in sports today. The home run record. Yesterday should have been a happy day in Sports. Possibly the greatest Offensive Lineman to ever strap on pads Bruce Matthhews, was inducted into the Hall of Fame, along with a other deserving elite players from the past including Michael Irvin. A-rod hit number 500, but yet all that was over shadowed by Barry Bonds taking his oversized head, and sysenthetically manufactured biceps and hit homerun number 755. When you look at what Hank Aaron with through to get that record, and how much class he did it with, in the face of all the racism and crap that he had to put up with, and now we want to crown this steroid incduced villan as the Homerun king....forget it Barry...it aint gonna happen, not in my book. Babe Ruth did it with beer and Hotdogs, Hank Aaron did it with class...Barry, what did you do it with. Mark Twain once said there are three types of liars. Liars, damn liars, and stats. According to the record books, stats will one day lie again when it reports on who the Homerun king is....but only for a few years, will that record will be broken by a kid breathing down Barry's neck...that is doing it the right way.

The shootout for this post goes to my Dad and stepmom, who helped me move back to STL. While it was a hard move, and my Dad and I argue, and thank the Lord for him giving them to me.

Be good to one another.

Go Cowboys!!
God Bless

In Him
Keffie Deen II


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